18 feb 2011

The Daredevils

The Daredevils, new enemies.

PAY ATTENTION: this object works under the 0.1.4 version or higher.

Download from:
  1. Google Docs

The New Game

  • The New Game: Quest with 7 levels.

  • This six levels were designed by me: 'CharlyTx', to use them with
    OpenSonic 0.1.4 or high. People can modify some levels with the
    built-in level editor, but others levels not.
    This work is integrated by seven levels, which can be run with the quest
    file. Also, some levels contains original music composed by me, that
    give them some curiousity to the player and enjoy him/her.
    Attached to this project, I include a spanish language file,
    translated 70%, to those that speak spanish.

    My project.
    These are the files that belong to the project:

    > images
          # newgame_qst_img.png
    > languages
          # spanish.lng
    > levels
          # new_zone_1.lev
          # new_zone_2.lev
          # new_zone_3.lev
          # hill_top_1.lev
          # sonix_1.lev
          # sonix_2.lev
          # hedgehog_land.lev
    > musics
          # p1_bricklayer_gardener_music_loop.ogg
          # p1_music_loop.ogg
          # p2_music_loop.ogg
          # xa_boss.ogg
    > quests
          # new_game.qst 

    PAY ATTENTION: this quest of levels only work under the 0.1.4 version.